Start by filling out the form below

Read each step and fill out the necessary details.


1 Step 1
2 Step 2
3 Step 3
Please read each section carefully. Fill in sections that are applicable to you.
Section 1 – Required KYC Information for Debit Card Only
Type of Identification
Current Employment Status
Do you currently have a personal bank account?
Do you have relatives/friends who may also be interested in receiving a Debit Card?
How many persons?
This section is specifically for persons who are currently operating a brick & mortar business.
Merchant Details
Type of Business?
Type of Industry?
Are you interested in any of our services?
Do you currently offer delivery services?
Would like to offer delivery but don’t have the resources?
Do you currently have a website?
Would you like your customers to pre-order and pay to have goods delivered?
Would you like to be able to accept cards in-store?
Would you be interested in paying your employee(s) direct to card?
This section is specifically for persons who are interested in Training.
Up-skilling & Re-tooling Training
Are you or a member of your staff interested in learning more about doing business online?
Do you use currently use social media channels and would like to learn more on how to promote your business online?
Which social media platforms are you on?
Do you sell online but find it difficult to the money sent to Jamaica?
Are you interested in learning more about how to better manage your income and expendures?
Would like to learn how you can build your credit based on your spending habits?
We hereby apply to Harmoney Tech Solutions LLC (the Service Provider) for approval to act as a merchant acquirer for the types of services and transactions which authorisation has been requested in the application. In consideration of the acceptance of our application, we hereby agree to be bound by the terms & conditions of the Merchant Agreement signed by us, which terms & conditions together with this application form, constitute a single agreement upon acceptance by the Service Provider.
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