

It's great to have you onboard!

Merchants will benefit from the Harmoney ecosystem, which includes access to financial services, technical support and more.

1 Step 1
Merchant Details
ID Type
Is your business registered?
HarmoneyPOS Solution Specifications
Transaction Type(s)
Business Profile
Type of Industry
Are you currently apart of any Pension/Investment Schemes?
Do you pay salaries by cash?
We hereby apply to Harmoney Fin-Tech Solutions Jamaica Limited (‘the Supplier’) for approval as a merchant acquirer for the types of transactions for which authorization has been requested in the application. In consideration of the acceptance of our application, we hereby agree to be bound by the terms & conditions of the Merchant Agreement signed by us, which terms & conditions together with this application form, constitute a single agreement by the Supplier.
SignatureI agree to the terms and conditions
(Merchant Signs Here)
Clear Signature
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